Sunday, September 27, 2009

Independent Study: Ripley: Automatically Securing Web 2.0 Applications Through Replicated Execution

(This is one of a series of posts about papers I'm reading for an independent study with Prof. Evan Chang at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The format is similar to that of a review of a paper submitted to a computer science conference. There are already-published papers, so I'll be writing with the benefit of hindsight, especially when the paper was published at least several years ago.)

Submission: Ripley: Automatically Securing Web 2.0 Applications Through Replicated Execution

Please give a brief, 2-3 sentence summary of the main ideas of this paper:

AJAX or Web 2.0 applications provider richer end-user experience by moving computations to the browser, but the results of those computations are vulnerable to manipulation by known tools. Since client-side computations often cause server-side events, such as modifying or removing data in a database, it's important for the server to be able to validate the integrity of the client's computations. The authors present RIPLEY, a system for replaying client-side computations in the server to reestablish the lower bound on computational integrity that was lost by moving code to the client.
What is the strength of this paper (1-3 sentences):
The architecture of RIPLEY is sound for preventing the problem the authors identify, and the empirical results of deploying the system are sufficiently promising for internet application providers to consider investigating this approach to the problem.
What is the weakness of this paper (1-3 sentences):
The authors don't provide a compelling case that this problem needs to be solved. In their paper on Spectator, they refer to specific JavaScript worms that have caused damage to Web site operators. Here they don't refer to specific large-scale exploits that their approach solves. This makes the problem they're solving seem less pressing.
It's an interesting solution but the problem, while real, doesn't seem to have been exploited in any significant way. The fact that the server-side code can anticipate client actions, pre-compute their results, and send them to the client before the client takes the given action, thus increasing client-side responsiveness, is a lovely way to improve the user experience, one that should pique the interest of Web site operators making heavy use of client-side JavaScript.
RIPLEY is novel. The authors note that an alternative approach (explored here and here) is to require the client to send to the server a computed proof of the correctness of its current state (e.g. the client could intermittently send a stack trace to the server). Unlike RIPLEY, these approaches only provide a degree of assurance, not a guarantee, of the correctness of the client-side computations.
The architecture, implementation details, and runtime performance
Worth Solving
The problem is worth solving, but not as pressing as the problem of JavaScript worms that the authors solve in their work on Spectator.
95% +- 2
Detailed Comments

See citations 27, 29 for vulnerabilities to code modification in browser.

See citation 20 for, more generally, AJAX vulnerabilities and exploits.

Volta, a distributing compiler -- in some respects similar to Google Web Toolkit, which generates JavaScript code from Java. The idea of GWT is to allow the user to write dynamically-typed code in a statically-typed language -- the GWT compiler can reason about the statically-typed code and emits code that's known to be safe. While Volta appears to be designed to work in a more general way than GWT -- generating code for multiple languages (more than just JavaScript) via the Microsoft Common Language Runtime intermediate representation, for example -- the basic idea is similar. One feature of Volta is that because it can reason about the statically-typed program, it can divide the computations in the statically-typed code to be divided between the server and client.

A developer who wishes to use RIPLEY applies class-level annotations to identify which code runs on the client, which on the server. The code is then converted to .NET bytecode, at which point Volta reads the bytecode (which contains the annotations), and generates the appropriate client- or server-side code, introducing RPCs between client and server when necessary. RIPLEY is implemented as a tweak to this phase of Volta's execution. The authors added a feature to Volta to generates additional server-side code for validating the client-side computations.

RIPLEY is intended to enforce the integrity of the original application in the face of the vulnerability of the client-side code. It accomplishes this by reproducing each client-side computation on the server; if the results of a client-side computation cannot be reproduced on the server, this is reason to believe that something faulty or malicious occurred in the client.

In the RIPLEY architecture, a browser emulator runs on the server, validating the client-side computations by replaying them. Since the browser emulator runs in a .NET virtual machine, which uses JIT, sometimes the server-side validations can anticipate client-side events, and the server can push pre-computed results to the client.

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