Independent Study: Concolic testing for web applications
(This is one of a series of posts about papers I'm reading for an independent study with Prof. Evan Chang at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The format is similar to that of a review of a paper submitted to a computer science conference. There are already-published papers, so I'll be writing with the benefit of hindsight, especially when the paper was published at least several years ago.)
This week, two papers about web applications from the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis '08:
- Dynamic Test Input Generation for Web Applications, Wasserman, et al
- Finding Bugs in Dynamic Web Applications, Artzi, et al
Here the authors use the concolic testing method pioneered in the seminal paper on Directed Automated Randomized Testing (PDF) to generate tests automatically for web applications written in PHP.
Use a taint-based (clarify) PHP runtime environment as the test oracle (which determines whether a failure occurs). The purpose of automatically generating tests is to automatically identify bugs in the program and, narrowly, the type of bugs the authors are trying to identify are SQL injection vulnerabilities. To that end, they iteratively construct (what they call) an approximate backward slice of the PHP program by (loosely speaking):
- identify statements where such vulnerabilities may cause undesired behavior (viz. database library calls where the injected SQL can ultimately do harm),
- add the functions where such statements occur to a set of functions to be analyzed,
- execute the program by loading it in a browser
- resolve control dependencies by recording stack trace at the beginning
- analyze data dependencies
- repeating (with some variations) until all data dependencies are resolved
Section 3 of the paper discusses the authors' algorithm for generating constraints for PHP.
Section 4 evaluates the system. Constraint generation is accomplished by a plugin to phc, a PHP compiler front-end. The plugin "wraps each statement in a function call"; the function call logs a trace of the program's execution to a file. They deal with eval by passing the string to be eval-ed through the plugin, so each statement in the eval-ed string is wrapped in a function call which logs a trace to the same file. Constraints are resolved by reading and symbolically executing the trace file. The result is "a list of Boolean control expressions where each subexpression is annotated with a concrete value from the execution."
An interesting aspect of the authors' evaluation is the overhead of the tracing process. When they evaluated an entire PHP program, the trace file for loading a single web page was almost 3 GB and the page load timed out. So the iterative process of limiting the scope of their analysis mentioned above was necessary for obvious practical reasons.
Previous work on leveraging symbolic and runtime values for input test generation falls back on concrete values when the symbolic value being addressed lies outside the theory of the resolution algorithm’s decision procedure. Our constraint resolution algorithm generates constraints only based on one variable instance per value. Therefore it may underapproximate the symbolic values of variables when program predicates depend on multiple variables, and it may miss paths that other resolution algorithms would find. In principle our constraint resolution algorithm could be enhanced to include multivariate constraints in some cases, but we leave that to future work.An object-oriented web test model for testing web applications, Kung, et al, may be interesting reading:
This paper describes an Object-Oriented test model that captures both structural and behavioral test artifacts of Web applications. The model represents the entities of Web applications as objects and describes their structures, relationships, and dynamic behaviors. Based on the test model, test methods are presented to derive test cases automatically for ensuring the structures and behaviors of Web applicationsFinding Bugs in Dynamic Web Applications
The previous paper focused on web application security. This paper focuses on web application reliability. Where the previous paper's goal was to identify vulnerabilities to SQL-injection attacks, this paper's goal is to identify bugs that cause web applications to crash or generate invalid HTML. (Web application crashes that can be triggered by user input become denial-of-service attack vulnerabilities once they become known to bad actors.) Similarly, where the test oracle of the previous paper is a PHP runtime environment that supports checking strings for taintedness (failure being defined as the use of an untained string in an SQL statement), the test oracle of this paper is an HTML validator (failure being defined as the web application generating invalid HTML).
Testing whether a web application generates valid HTML is hard for dynamic web pages. Systems exist for validating dynamically-generated web pages, but the require the tester to create tests manually. Here the authors present a system, Apollo, for automatically generating tests for dynamic pages.
Something I don't understand. Here's a passage from the paper:
The HTML pages generated by a PHP applications may contain buttons that—when pressed by the user—result in the loading and execution of additional PHP source files. We simulate such user input by transforming the source code. Specifically, for each page h that contains N buttons, we add an additional input parameter p to the PHP program, whose values may range from 1 through N. Then, at the place where page p is generated, a switch statement is inserted that includes the appropriate PHP source file, depending on the value supplied for p. The steps of the user input simulator are fully mechanic, and the required modifications are minimal, but for the evaluation we performed the program transformation by hand (due to time constraints).Normally, submit buttons result in an HTML form being POST'ed to the web application. From the context, it's not clear why the system wouldn't simply POST the form. An additional passage
The stand-alone component of the User Input Simulator performs a transformation of the program that models interactive user input by way of additional parameters.Still a little confused. :-)
Ah, I get it:
Nothing else very interesting here. They evaluate their system, present the results, related work, etc.
<?php echo "<h2>WebChess ".$Version." Login"</h2>;?>
<form method="post" action="mainmenu.php">
Nick: <input name="txtNick" type="text" size="15"/><br/>
Password: <input name="pwdPassword" type="password" size="15"/>
<input name="login" value="login" type="submit"/>
<input name="newAccount" value="New Account"
type="button" onClick="'newuser.php', '_self')"/>
Other reading:
Improving test case generation for web applications using automated interface discovery, Halfond, et al, focuses on JavaScript.