Functional Programming is Fun(ctional Programming)
The ball keeps rolling. Microsoft has has F#, a functional language for the Common Language Runtime (CLR, the .NET virtual machine) for a while. Then there's LINQ, the functionally-inspired generic data query mechanism built into C# 3.0. Now Microsoft is involved with Haskell, one of the better-known purely functional languages of recent vintage.
One reason for the increasing interest in and support of functional programming languages is that they have some characteristics that are very beneficial when attempting to scale to a large number of cores. In particular, since all data is immutable, there are no locks. Also, unlike imperative languages (which includes Java, despite its object-orientedness), programs written in functional languages say what to do, not how to do it, which gives the compiler and runtime system freedom to, say, run parts of a loop on different cores. Anders Hejlsberg, one of the designers of C#, talks about that aspect of functional languages here (starting around 20:45).
For applications that need to run efficiently on many cores, the general migration path I see is from using threads explicitly, to using tasks (e.g. Java's Executor framework, where the application doesn't explicity create threads itself), to writing in a concurrency-oriented fashion, whether in a purely functional language using some hybrid approach. For the hybrid approach, here's a write up of some ways to do concurrency-oriented programming in Java.
(This post is based on an email I sent to my group at work. It's a Java shop.)